Where Does Your Fat Go When You Lose Weight? | IFLScience


Where Does Your Fat Go When You Lose Weight? | IFLScience.

If there is one thing that I am actually doing a lot of these days, it is working out so one would assume fat burning goes with this right? Except, I have never stopped and asked myself where does the fat go or how is my body getting rid of it..

I’ve watched all the medical shows that there is on television, many showing the obese and the surgery/ complications that goes with having too much fat. I am always engrossed when they show liposuction or tummy tucks because of the sheer amount of fat that is generally removed-followed by being a little grossed out that there is also lumpy yellow fat inside my body.

Out of all the things I have heard on my fitness journey I have never really heard this theory about how fat is burned, the article is interesting just like IFL Science articles usually are, so take some time to see what happens to your fat when it is ‘burned’ off.

Image taken from lafitness-wordpress

Where Does Your Fat Go When You Lose Weight? | IFLScience

Turn Around


I wasn’t sure how to start this post and I pondered it for most yesterday afternoon and today, I was on my way to the gym when I found myself skipping through all the songs on my I Pod, I realized I was looking for something but I didn’t really know what. I knew that I wanted a song that made me feel that little zing of enjoyment, but why? I think that I hadn’t really woken up from my sleep, It was like I was just going through the motions of what I needed to do but not really paying much attention to anything in particular, I knew when I had woken up that I had to have a shower, wash my hair, do my make-up, get dressed, get food for dinner, cook dinner, get hydrated, go to gym, drive home, heat dinner, serve dinner, clean up and get ready for bed again. but while I was driving to gym I just felt like these motions and tasks that I was doing where just happening, don’t get me wrong my day wasn’t bad but those tasks where simply things to do before the next day could happen. I finally found the song which happened to be Pompeii ( Normally it drives me a little bonkers due to the fact it was played so much on the radio), I feel like the song ‘woke’ me up, the motions where no longer just motions and the day grew into something that needed to be accomplished not just completed. I arrived at the gym and I had listened to Pompeii abut 4 times before arriving, I did my usual warm up with a slight spring in my step since I was now aware of my day and that I wanted it to be a little more fun than just doing what had to be done, It made gym a little more enjoyable than anticipated and I had more energy to finish of the day instead of just going home and doing the rest of the tasks, I also made gnocchi to freeze for a later dinner and I made a mug pudding, the best I’ve ever made…I immediately felt the guilt set in once I ate it, but that’s besides the point, it was yummy! I am always amazed at what music can do not only for myself but for the others whom enjoy it just as much as I do, It seems to be able to make people rise and do things that normally might not be considered, I would be lying if I said that my running wasn’t improved by my favorite soundtracks. Sometimes I don’t listen to music for a wile because I’ve heard it all many times and then one day I find a new song or CD that I haven’t heard or heard in long time and it makes me feel excited and giddy, its always a good day when you find a piece of music that lifts the spirit no matter how happy you are already, it can take you to a whole new dimension of living. If you haven’t figured it out already I am one of those people that If I get a song stuck in my head or it fits for the occasion I listen to it over and over again, until I am well and truly sick of it, “I was born this way”. I realize not everyone has this same connection with music but I am certain they have those kinds of bonds with other things such as art or cooking or even the people who love adrenaline activities. 

The fact is that music can make a day go from boring or just another day to exciting, I’m glad that I found a song that woke me up yesterday so I could enjoy how beautiful the rest of the day was. 



To re-cap on the focus on this blog, I also spent some time doing more aptitude quizzes, they really hurt my brain. I’ve been aiming for perfect scores and I have been improving, so to anyone who says that they can’t do something, I would urge them to re consider because humans can do the most amazing things when we break down those boundaries and try. I also tried doing some fartlek on a bike yesterday and my god it hurt my legs, Its safe to say this will be something I will try to do more often so it’s not so damn hard when I do try to do it! Does anyone have any tips for bike workouts? Please share in the comments if you do. I would really like to hear from some people 🙂 

Image is from here

My Running Socks



Yesterday didn’t work out so well, I tried to do a beep test but I think my legs were fatigued so I didn’t get as higher score as I would have liked. I sat on my bed and was feeling a little sorry for myself and then I thought to myself what is good about today? At the moment I have a friend doing the 100 days of happiness posts on Facebook, she told me about a week ago to give it a go. I have hummed and hared about it but haven’t really wanted to start it because I thought this blog would be a better medium for me to try. Anyway, I sat on my bed and had that thought and then I realized that even though the beep test didn’t go so well I really felt comfortable, comfortable?!- you might be thinking to yourself… Yes I was comfortable because the socks I wear when I run are so damn comfy. These aren’t just any socks, these are socks by Asics (I might point out I am not one for brand names),so one day I was shopping for some workout gear( this was a wile ago now) I bought some socks, not thinking anything of it other than the fact that they were pink and looked like the kind of socks you should wear when you exercise. I tried them once and I was instantly hooked, they have a nifty pattern sewn into particular parts of the sock so they are tight in the right spots and breath really well.

Your next thought is probably ” why am I reading about socks” but your reading about socks because I am going to explain to you that I now own 10 pairs of the things on top of my work socks, fluffy winter socks, socks I brought when I was on holiday so I could participate in bowling, the socks that just cover your toes when you don’t want to show that your wearing any socks, stocking socks and some that I don’t think are mine. I think now as I am writing this that it is a lot of socks. but they all kind of have their own purpose, do you have that many? or am I the strange one here?

I find it amazing how the media and retail stores have convinced people so subliminally that we need all these different kinds of things to survive or have a functioning life; speaking from experience I am an owner of many socks as you have just found out but I also have things like, A mobile phone, a watch that connects to my phone, an alarm clock that connects to both of those things and a computer that connects to all three. WHY do I have so many things that can do almost the same job but in 4 different sized devices, I don’t really need these things, but having them makes me believe that at any point of the day I am connected to where I need to be connected to. Good job media and advertising you’ve won me over..as much as I dislike to admit that!

Anyway back to the socks, as much as I like technology and what it can do for me I have just come to the realization that my socks are an unsung hero. I never notice they are on..again just to recap they are so damn comfy, they haven’t stretched (surprisingly, because nothing seems to last anymore), they don’t dig into my skin, the colour hasn’t faded which is fantastic because I own every colour I can! and they feel like wearing clouds on my feet when I run. They are perfect.

I think I felt it was noteworthy to mention these socks because they are a truly good product out of the many thousands that I and I assume many other people have in their lives. I think it is rare in modern society to buy ‘things’ that last and do their job efficiently. My picture today is my socks just to prove that I really do have all the colours 🙂

Yesterday may not have started how I was hoping but, I started thinking about the good things that where going to happen in the day. It wasn’t just my socks- I swear 😛 I’m not that much of a wierdo. The rest of the day was looking pretty good because I also went to the gym with the boyfriend and later that night I was basking in some culture watching the Australian Dance Theater perform their new choreography called Multiverse. It was overall a good night and the performance was quite good however not as good as their last one that I saw which was called G, that was phenomenal! I also at dinner at my favorite restaurant, the dessert was amazing it was a Orange, Allspice, dark-rum panna cotta, with salted caramel and a macadamia nut crumb. Delish!

I thank my friend who has told me to pick out the good things in the day, It helps you forget the bad things and changes your whole thinking in just a matter of time. I dare you to give it a go. I also thank my partner for the words of encouragement to try harder and do better next Saturday (another beep test).

Have  a great day everyone, I hope you enjoyed reading about my socks.


I [ insert adjective here ] Math


Do you like mathematics?

I have a love hate relationship with maths..

I Love it because when I complete questions involving maths I feel accomplished and like some part of me is a little bit intelligent, you know..I get a big head, for doing things that are probably considered easy, not really. 


I Hate it because sometimes I look at the problems on a practice aptitude test and think… OH DEAR ME, I haven’t done this since high school. #brainmeltdown #howamIevergoingtodothis

Lucky for me my partners father was a teacher (in his previous career), and he has helped me to understand a lot more that I thought I could. I understand why he would have been a good teacher; because he has the right temperament and patience. 

The books I received yesterday are quite difficult,  the math inside of them isn’t as easy as I expected, even though the math located on the SAPOL aptitude practice sheet is no where near as difficult, I am still doubting myself. This just means A LOT more practice. 

I did manage to go through some of the reading comprehension tests and managed to get 41/50 right so that made me happy, I know I can do even better on that because at the time I was also making dinner.

Anyway, math has always been an issue for me, I have always tried my hardest at it and it just doesn’t seem to click with me like it does with some other people, which is okay because I still can understand some of it but I also know I have strengths in other areas that other people aren’t so strong in. 

If anyone on here has some tips, by all means send them my way! I am open for any help I can get.

Today I also have my next PT session, so I’m ready for a hard day, I am hoping to get in another 10 minutes earlier on my usual time to do an extra activity that my PT has asked to do before I start with him.

My session will look something like this:

3:50: arrive and spend 15 Minutes on a treadmill or cross-trainer to warm up, 

4:05: Start stretching for 15 minutes (full body stretching)

4:20: (New) add in a grip strengthening activity, which is going to be a roll of bamboo with a long string tied around it with a weight on the end that you roll up and down, this also works my forearms and it burns!!

4:30: PT session, is a full body weights work out.

5:00: Cardio, I am aiming to beat the 26 minutes of fartlek I did last session and do the whole 30 minutes or more If i can, However I won’t be disappointed because some days I don’t run as well as others because I think? that my legs are still recovering from weights and what not and being fatigued. 

5:30/5:40: Stretch for another 15 or 20 Mintues

6:00 Eat protein or drink a Chocolate milk. 

AND Drink lots of water, My trainer advises to drink at least 2.5Lt of water a day, and If im doing a work out to add an additional 500ml. There was an equation he said to use which was something like for every kilo of body weight you must drink 0.05lt of water. That’s not exactly right because I cant quite remember but it was similar, does anyone know it? 

The picture I have on this blog today is a image of one of the maths questions, I feel it is appropriate for this post. The book is Norman Halls, 2nd Edition, Police Exam preparation book, revised and updated, 2003. 


Have a great day/night everyone 🙂